18 February 2007

Fight the brute (BFD)

If you are running a public server, you will soon notice that you are the target of brute force attacks. Examine the file /var/log/secure (and secure.1, secure.2 if present) and see for yourself.

We need something automated to fight this. Something that will detect any brute force attempt and make a firewall rule to keep them outside. Now enter BFD (Brute Force Detection).

This page is your friend.

Become root and type :
wget http://www.rfxnetworks.com/downloads/bfd-current.tar.gz
tar -xvzf bfd-current.tar.gz
cd bfd*
Edit now the configuration file /usr/local/bfd/conf.bfd. Change the text
EMAIL_USR="you@yoursite.com" this is your email, of course
And start bfd with :
/usr/local/sbin/bfd -s
Yap, it's done ;-) But be warned : bfd work together with apf, so be sure to have-it up and running (read the previous post to learn how).

Just one more thing before closing up. After a few days and a few attacks, when you are fine with your bfd setup, it might be wise to ditch maybe 90% of the attacks by changing the default SSH port (22).
You need to do this :
  • edit the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  • find the line
    #Port 22
    and change-it to
    Port 333 replace with your preference
  • find the line
    #Protocol 2, 1
    and replace with
    Protocol 2
    Add the new ssh port to your firewall settings (/etc/apf/conf.apf) or you will lock yourself out of your own server.
  • restart ssh
    service sshd restart


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